Born in Tokyo. Stayed in Bangkok, Thailand 7years old to 12.
Graduated from Waseda University (majoring in Literature, Philosophy, Movie, Play etc).
Joined in Dentsu Tec (CM production, subsidiary company of Dentsu).
Freelance director since 1994.
He has created 500 and more commercial films since now.
27th ACC Award / 34th Golden Prize / 36th ACC Award / 37th ACC Award / 40th Golden Prize
41st Golden Prize, 2 Bronze Prizes, ACC Award / 44th 2 Finalist / 45th Finalist / 49th Finalist
32nd NY Film Festival Golden Prize / 42nd NY Film Festival Silver Prize
35th Galaxy Award / 56th DENTSU Award / 1st Pan Pacific Film Festival Finalist
Tel +81.3.3791.2807 Fax +81.3.3791.2808
2-9-5 #202 ebisu-minami shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
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